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A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM by Wlliam Shakespeare  October 2014

at Notre Dame de Namur University Theatre Studio

Director: Bruce Williams                               Lighting Designer: Arnold Orozco-Ramirez

Scenic Designer/TD: R. Dutch Fritz                  Costume Designer: Barabara Kassal



Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

Theseus presides over lovers

Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

Oberon, Titania & Puck come upon the sleeping humans

Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

Oberon imparts Puck to find a magic flower to whit he shall love spells cast.

Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

Oberon lifts the spell from Titania & Bottom

Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

The Mechanicals introduce their play to the king's wedding party

Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

The Mechanicals perform their play for the King's wedding party.

Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

All is mended

Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

scenic model, 1/4" scale

Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

scenic model, 1/4" scale

Midsummer 2014

Midsummer 2014

rough concept sketches

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